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(909) 329-2796

Auto Glass Repair

If you ever notice that the glass on your car, truck, van, or SUV has gotten slightly cracked or chipped, you will not want to let the damage sit there overnight. If you do, you are running the risk of it spreading beyond the point of being able to be safely repaired. If you have not hired a company to complete an auto glass repair for you in the past around San Bernardino, then you should consider giving the friendly team at Stan Bernardino Mobile Auto Glass a call today.

It doesn’t matter if you notice a small crack in one of your side windows, or the windshield has gotten cracked, in our area of California, auto owners will commonly see up to and sometimes more than a 30 degree temperature drop at night. When this happens, if your vehicle needs a windshield repair service, then there are some pretty good odds that the damage will grow beyond the point that our auto glass technicians can safely repair the damage without having to do a complete glass replacement service. No matter what, you should give our staff a call as soon as you notice damage to the vehicle’s glass. Call us for information on:

Get In Touch
  • Auto Glass Repair San Bernardino

Our team will have you walk through the damage with us, and then we’ll develop a repair plan that works with your available time and budget. For most glass repair jobs, our mobile team can get the work done in less than 45 minutes once we meet you at our desired location around town. Our mobile service teams commonly meet our customers at their homes, places of work, and other convenient locations around the city.

With how quickly we are able to effect repairs, it is not uncommon to meet clients at their place of work during their lunch break to get the job done. If you have a special request for how or when we meet you for the repairs just ask. Our mobile service is brought to you for no additional charge, and you will be extremely pleased with our quality of work. Just give our team a call today to ask for a free estimate on our available car glass repair services.


Working Hours: Saturday to Wednesday 7 am - 9 pm, Thursday and Friday 7:30 am - 9 pm
Phone No: (909) 329-2796
Address: 369 E Rialto Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

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