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Car Window Tinting

Believe it or not, many automobile owners do not realize that all new makes and models of automobiles sold in California do not come standard with a car window tinting service already completed. Whether you have owned your car forever or just brought it home from the lot, if you live or work in the San Bernardino area of California, you will quickly find out that we not only enjoy some awesome weather throughout the year, but come August and September it just gets plain hot in our area of the state.

One of the easy things that you can do to try to keep the heat under control is to seek out a quality mobile window tinting service as soon as you daily schedule permits. If you pick an established and trustworthy company like San Bernardino Mobile Auto Glass, you will be able to enjoy getting the tinting service for your automobile done at your preferred location around town for no extra charge.

Our mobile service techs commonly take care of our customers at their homes, places of work, and even the local shopping mall parking lot. We can pretty much work anywhere that you can find us a flat, dry area to do the job for you on your automobile. Our shop has been open for business for more than 15 years now, and our dedication to customer service has made us a business success throughout this time that we’ve been open.

Get In Touch

Our company also stands behind our work 100%, and you will be amazed at the attention to detail we pay on every service job we do. Please give our friendly tea a call today with any questions that you might have for us. We will always take the time to talk shop with you, and our company policy is to always give you a free estimate on our work.


Working Hours: Saturday to Wednesday 7 am - 9 pm, Thursday and Friday 7:30 am - 9 pm
Phone No: (909) 329-2796
Address: 369 E Rialto Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

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