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(909) 329-2796

Glass Repair

San Bernardino has more than 215,000 residents that call the city home, and we continue to grow as a community every year. When you add in the large volume of shipping that comes through our area every year, you will quickly see that there are more than an average number of vehicles that pass through the area on any given day. Based on this large volume of traffic, there tends to be a higher-than-normal demand signal for consumers to need a quality glass repair service accomplished on their automobile in the local area.

If you are in or around the city and find yourself in this situation or need to get a car window repair service, then you should put calling the team at San Bernardino Mobile Auto Glass at the top of your list today. Our mobile glass repair technicians are all highly trained, licensed, and certified to work on just about any make or model of vehicle that you can imagine.

Get In Touch

Whether you drive a legacy vehicle, or the latest smart car from Tesla, our shop knows how to fix the auto glass on all varieties of autos that we see in California, and you will be amazed at the quality of our service our mobile teams can deliver on the road for your ride without the benefit of being in a garage.

We get most glass repair services accomplished in less than 45 minutes, and many times it takes our leading technician longer to fill out the paper work than it does to do the work. If you are not sure what type of service your auto needs, that’s OK. Just give our staff a call at your convenience, and we will walk you through our auto glass damage assessment process. We look forward to working with you, so call today to make your service appointment.


Working Hours: Saturday to Wednesday 7 am - 9 pm, Thursday and Friday 7:30 am - 9 pm
Phone No: (909) 329-2796
Address: 369 E Rialto Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

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