Call Now! (909) 329-2796

Clear Vision Ahead - Your San Bernardino Windshield Repair Pros

(909) 329-2796

Windshield Repair

you find yourself driving around the busy streets of San Bernardino, and you notice that the windshield of your car has a crack in it, the first thing that you should not do is freak out. It is not uncommon for automobiles to encounter airborne road debris in or around the city. That is one of the prices we pay for all of the nice weather that we enjoy in our area of the country for much of the year with the rainfall we do get being concentrated in the winter and spring months.

Instead, you should find a reputable auto glass repair shop like San Bernardino Mobile Auto Glass and give us a call when you have a chance to inquire about our industry-leading windshield repair service. Our company has been delivering premium glass repair services to our customers for more than 15 years and counting now, and throughout this timeframe, we have gone out of our way to deliver the absolute best service quality possible for one of the most competitive prices that you will find around the “Inland Empire.”

Get In Touch

We also understand that there are a large number of people in our local area who live on a tight budget, and the last thing that we will ever do is try to run the bill up on you with hidden fees and surcharges. We see each and every customer as an extended member of our own family, and as a result, you will see a commitment to customer service that is not shared by a lot of the competition that you will run across in the city.

Our mobile service is brought to you for no additional charge, and you will be extremely impressed with our team’s dedication to quality and your total satisfaction. If you have any questions regarding what our team can do for you, please give us a call at your first opportunity. We love to answer questions, and look forward to serving you today.


Working Hours: Saturday to Wednesday 7 am - 9 pm, Thursday and Friday 7:30 am - 9 pm
Phone No: (909) 329-2796
Address: 369 E Rialto Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

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