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Clear Vision Ahead - Your San Bernardino Windshield Repair Pros

(909) 329-2796

Car Windshield Replacement

If you are in the San Bernardino area and your vehicle needs to get a car windshield replacement service, the first thing that you should not do is freak out. For many automobile owners, getting a windshield glass replacement is a very stressful event. This lies in the fact that your automobile is simply not safe to drive until the problem is fixed. Most autos are designed to have the windshield’s glass full intact for the airbags to deploy properly, and if the glass has too many cracks in it, they could actually push much of the glass out of the auto frame.

If you would like to avoid this and other issues that come up with a broken windshield, then consider giving the team at San Bernardino Mobile Auto Glass a call today. Our service team has been together for more than 15 years now, and we are continually rated in the top of all auto glass companies in the region. We know how to properly remove the broken windshield, prepare the auto frame to receive the new glass, and clean up the work site so that you don’t even know we worked on your car except for the new glass that is in place once we call the job complete.

Get In Touch

Depending on the size of window, our team can often get a complete replacement job done in between one and three hours, and you will be able to drive the vehicle away to continue your daily routine after we call the job done. If you have any questions for us, please feel free to call today. If you would like a free quote on our work just ask, and we will also be happy to discuss our 100% warranty with you.

To learn more about the windshield replacement process, please visit:


Working Hours: Saturday to Wednesday 7 am - 9 pm, Thursday and Friday 7:30 am - 9 pm
Phone No: (909) 329-2796
Address: 369 E Rialto Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

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