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(909) 329-2796

Car Window Repair

No one enjoys a window that is on the verge of getting stuck in the partially up or down position. This is especially true when it is the rainy season, summer, or just plain hot outside. If your car or SUV has one or more windows that seem to be acting up, then do yourself a favor and give the team at San Bernardino Mobile Auto Glass a call today. Our team is one of the best in the business when it comes to getting a car window repair done for your automobile, and our technicians never have to come back to the shop to pick up any tools, parts, or materials to finish the job once they get started.

When you first give our staff a call to make the service appointment, they will walk you through the process that we use to assess the problem(s) with your window, and we will always give you an estimate on the total length of time (and cost) that the job will take. Most of the time, we are accurate to within minutes if your service appointment occurs soon after calling us.

Get In Touch

We are also able to bundle appointments to take care of any issues with the car’s glass to include our popular windshield crack repair service. No matter what type of service that you need done on your automobile, our team is here for you and can get it done on short notice. We always get the job done right on the first try, and we have one of the best warranties that you will find across all of the auto glass service providers around our area of California. We stand behind all work 100%, and you will not be disappointed in choosing our team to work with. Just give us a ring when you have time to make your service appointment.


Working Hours: Saturday to Wednesday 7 am - 9 pm, Thursday and Friday 7:30 am - 9 pm
Phone No: (909) 329-2796
Address: 369 E Rialto Ave, San Bernardino, CA 92408, United States

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